Our Mission:

To be a model of Christian healthcare delivery based on the ‘Work’ of St. Padre Pio: a ‘Clinic for the Soul’ for all in need; and to provide authentic Catholic formation, education, training and support to professionals of existing and developing hospitals, healthcare systems, clinics, and physicians desiring to participate in the fullness of this ministry.

Our Vision:

St. Pio’s model of Catholic healthcare is coming to the US!

A beautiful Prayer Campus with a replica pilgrim shrine of Saint Padre Pio’s Church, Santa Maria delle Grazie, a replica of his renown Home for the Relief of Suffering hospital, a truly Catholic medical school fully faithful to the Magisterium of the Church, upholding human dignity through service to the medically vulnerable. This is no longer just the vision, but now the active collaborative plan being implemented by the leaderships of Catholic Healthcare International, the Saint Padre Pio Institute for the Relief of Suffering, and the Diocese of Lansing, Michigan, with the blessing of St. Pio’s Casa hospital in Italy. These revolutionary Casa USA initiatives will be national “Beacons of Light” and models of truly faithful Catholic healthcare delivery for our country, to be emulated by other Catholic healthcare providers currently challenged by our increasingly secular culture